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First of all, congrats friendos, you made a great game. It's fun, enjoyable, the mood is great and that's a very convincing proof of concept. 

Here's some very positive points : 

  • You have a very evocative mood. We want to see more of it. Which is a great thing, because that mean that every bit of what we saw is good. 
  • The game, it just works. No big bugs in sight. Congrats.
  • Overall good experience as a game. Fun and good pacing, very little explanation needed. The difficulty/tension curve is good. Good job. 
  • Love the little secret combination of cards. Great ideas. 

Here's some "could've been better" points : 

  • I would've loved some kind of "End goal", even for a PoC. Or at least a message telling "You've discovered everything, congrats ! Now survive as long as you can". Because I was stuck wandering if there was more to do, so it felt a bit frustrating to slowly realize that, in fact, there was nothing more to do. 
  • Don't get mistaken : The fun comes from discovering the recipes, not the "actual" actions. Making potions in repeat is not "that" fun, and it doesn't have to. If you keep on going on that project, focus on that discovery part. 
  • The "shadows" part could've been a bit more integrated to the gameplay itself. More "corruption" maybe ? Or the shadows coming to get you ? Curses ? Dunno

And finally, here's some "what I would want to see in a theorical full game" points : 

  • More "Lovecraftian" shit. I want to see corruption, nightmares, existential dread, creatures etc ...
  • More and more recipes and interactions. 
  • A true end goal : Maybe making a very complex potion ? The philosopher's stone maybe ? 
  • Please let me brew clients :)

Very subjective feedback. Again, congratulations on making a good game in such short notice. Bravo ! 

Thank you so much for the detailed feedbacks!


Very cool concept and great ambiance! It's very immersive, when I started getting jumped but didn't have enough ingredients, I was stressing out, good job!


It's super cool, I like the gameplay and also the Da, following the development in streaming and seeing the final result is really great!


really love it, the whole style and aesthetic is just great. Also the mechanic with the fog works really well. We also made a similar card-stacking game for the jam, we didnt get as far as you guys though. Would love to know how much time you put into the project :)

Thank you so much for your feedback. I'll have a try to your game :D I was almost working the whole 2 weeks (10+) on the game (I skipped 2-3 days for social stuff and resting). Can't tell about my mates,  but code/gamedesign/integration/level set up is what takes the longest. (But when system is done it's very fast integration)

(3 edits) (+1)

Coucou, c'est babayagos :)

Mes retours :

- Game feel est super, la musique et l'ambiance est très immersive et la gestion des cartes est satisfaisante.

- Les illustrations sont vraiment propres et belles, peut être trop proche de darkest dungeon sans doute mais c'est pas un problème imo.

- Gameplay : la similarité avec l'autre jeu de cuisine est peut être trop proche, mais le thème des donjons est une opportunité pour se différencier avec des features différentes.

- En tout super prometteur, j'ai hâte de voir la suite.

- Une idée:

Orienter les cartes ingrédients vers une saveur "donjon" type "oeil de démon", "tentacule de monstre" etc pour faire des potions précises.

Des cartes "mercenaires" qu'on envoie dans des cartes "porte de donjon" pour aller chercher des ingrédients. A la fin d'un temps x, donnant un booster donjon.

Les portes de donjon ont un niveau de difficulté qui par rapport au niveau du mercenaire, donne un risque% d'échec de l'aventure, ou au contraire un risque% d'obtenir un booster de très bonne qualité.

Ces mercenaires peuvent augmenter de niveau avec des potions ou bien en survivant les cartes donjon.

Ces mercenaires peuvent être placé en défense pour protéger l'achimiste...

Et puis bien sûr ça donne l'opportunité de faire des cartes mercenaires délirantes avec des stats et des particularitées précises.

Tout ça n'est que l'une des nombreuses voies dans lequel peut s'orienter le jeu, mais c'est très prometteur en tout cas. Bien joué!

Au top les feedbacks un grand merci !!!


great concept,  difficulties well balanced, great artistic direction